Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Resource Center
We Are Open. We Will Get Through This Together.
At FLACRA, we recognize the challenges posed by the current COVID-19 pandemic. We have taken significant steps to continue serving individuals and their loved ones affected by substance use and other health-related disorders with compassionate and safe care.
The following information was created to serve as a resource for our clients and the community during COVID-19.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is FLACRA open?
Yes, FLACRA is open and offering all treatment and recovery services during the COVID-19 pandemic. We are contacting clients in advance to provide information on accessing their individual and group sessions.
How are services being offered?
We are using telehealth and telephonic services to serve clients, families and the community. We are maximizing treatment options via video or phone appointments, and limited on-site services in all programs are available for urgent needs. All programs are taking referrals and new admissions. Residential programs continue to provide all levels of treatment.
How does telehealth work?
Telehealth uses video cameras and monitors to virtually connect you to healthcare providers, so you don't have to travel to get the care you need and can practice social distancing. We use video conferencing services such as Zoom Health to provide the same treatment and recovery services you would receive in person.
If people feel sick and have symptoms, can they attend an onsite appointment?
To keep our staff and clients safe, we ask anyone who feels ill to please call us first at 1-833-4-FLACRA (1-833-435-2272) for further assistance and additional options for care.
I need help right now. What should I do?
To receive immediate access and crisis support, call 1-833-4-FLACRA.
Safety Precautions During the COVID-19 Pandemic
To ensure all facilities have the highest standards of safety, we are adhering to CDC guidelines for COVID-19 and infection prevention best practices. Anyone entering our buildings must complete the CDC prescreen questions and a precautionary temperature check. Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) has been made available to staff working in the field.
As this situation evolves, our leadership team will continue to work with government, health and community partners to implement and adhere to all necessary safety measures.
COVID-19 Resources
NYS Department of Health: COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions (PDF)
NYS Department of Health: Protect Yourself From COVID-19 Poster English (PDF)
NYS Department of Health: Protect Yourself From COVID-19 Poster - Spanish (PDF)
NYS Department of Health: Face Masks and Coverings for COVID-19 Flyer (PDF)
FLACRA Frequently Asked Questions (PDF)
FLACRA Telehealth Services (PDF)
FLACRA Letter to Our Community (PDF)
FLACRA Letter to Our COTI Partners (PDF)
FLACRA Letter to Our Community Partners (PDF)
FLACRA Letter to Our Government Partners (PDF)
Have questions? Call the New York State Coronavirus (COVID-19) Hotline: 1-888-364-3065